Sunday, 5 December 2010

Two Posts

So these are a few things that I typed out some time ago on my phone, thinking that I would post them soon. Kinda late now but here are the two posts:

1) I'm Beautiful

I'm reading this book Eva Luna. Had bought it because I thought I should read some classics and this one was based in Argentina ( Deep down, am fascinated by South America, maybe because I know so little of this continent). The protagonist is this girl who decides at 17
that she is beautiful- for the simple reason that she wanted to be. I'm inspired. Its this inner confidence which we all question. We all look for acceptance. For social gratification. For our egos to be soothed.
Won't it be so much simpler to say I'm beautiful.
Anyway we all seek happiness in life. Right?

2) Night Lights and other thoughts

I stepped out for a few moments tonight to close the door and feel the chill of the dark moonless night. At first I was quite blind and then my eyes found the colours of the night. The orange of the horizon that seems to absorb all the cities light, the green and red and blue twinkling of the stars. The dark silhouette of the tree from a distant street light. The many shades of the night so similar and yet so distinctly different. I think a night is but a shade of black. Always there to swallow any darkness around.

Take Care